Dissertations / Theses

Order ID Reg.# Author Department Year Title (Based on the records which students' have entered in The National Thesis Center) Type
454   TUĞBA KARABUDAK Fundamentals of Nursing 2025 Being prepared for publication in The National Thesis Center MSc
453   ALPER ALTINKAYA Veterinary Physiology 2025 Being prepared for publication in The National Thesis Center MSc
452   ENVER AYDIN Veterinary Physiology 2025 Being prepared for publication in The National Thesis Center MSc
451   ASUDE ÖZDEMİR HELVACI Veterinary Physiology 2025 Being prepared for publication in The National Thesis Center MSc
450   TUĞÇE KAYIŞ KOCASARI Veterinary Physiology 2025 Being prepared for publication in The National Thesis Center MSc
449   AYŞE NUR DURMUŞ Psychiatry Nursing 2025 Being prepared for publication in The National Thesis Center MSc
448   ENES SUCULAR Physical Education and Sports 2025 Being prepared for publication in The National Thesis Center PhD
447   ESRA YÖRÜKOĞLU Nutrition and Dietetics 2025 Being prepared for publication in The National Thesis Center MSc
446   BİLGEHAN KURT Surgical Diseases Nursing 2025 Being prepared for publication in The National Thesis Center MSc
445 921457 AYŞE BALCI Fundamentals of Nursing 2025 Adaptation of hypertension treatment adherence scale to turkish, validity and reliability study MSc
444 921918 YILMAZ GÜNEŞ Obstetrical and Gynecology Nursing 2025 An investigation of sexual satisfaction, fatigue levels, and associated factors among male healthcare personnel working in a university hospital MSc
443 915973 RUMEYSA UYDURAN Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2025 Validity and reliability study of the Turkish Version of "Short Version of the Stroke Specific Quality of Life Scale (SS-QoL-12)" MSc
442 919102 ÖZGÜR TANRIVERDİ Health of the Elderly 2025 Determination of the relationship between cancer-related cognitive impairment and autophagy in elderly patients by using some biomarkers: A case-control cohort study PhD
441 919144 CANSU PÜRDEL Fundamentals of Nursing 2025 The validity and reliability study of adapting the ethical caring competency scale in nursing MSc
440 919668 FEYZA DAĞLI Fundamentals of Nursing 2025 Adaptation of the delirium care self-efficacy scale into turkish, validity and reliability study MSc
439 920779 FERDAL ÜNEŞ Physical Education and Sports 2025 Examination of excitement-seeking and risk-taking behaviors according to personality traits in extreme sports MSc
438 920529 DERYA SAKALLI Physical Education and Sports 2025 Investigation of the effect of handball content knowledge education on preservice physical education teachers' content knowledge levels and student learning PhD
437 917869 FATMA İLKNUR UZUN Mental Health and Diseases Nursing 2025 Investigation of photolurking behaviors of individuals: A scale development study

Access is restricted by author till July 30, 2025
436 918155 GİZEM UZUN KARTAL Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2025 Turkish adaptation of the fremantle knee awareness questionnaire:a validity and reliability study

Access is restricted by author till August 06, 2025
435 916395 GÜLPARE CEYLAN Fundamentals of Nursing 2025 Determination of factors affecting nurses' compliance with standard precautions

Access is restricted by author till July 23, 2025
434 914782 MERVE KAYA AKYAR Fundamentals of Nursing 2025 Opinions final-year nursing students on factors affecting patient safety climate and care safety in hospital environment

Access is restricted by author till July 16, 2025
433 914825 CEYLAN AŞIK Fundamentals of Nursing 2025 Validity and reliability study of the nurse and patient form of the nurse-patient interaction scale in chronic diseases

Access is restricted by author till July 16, 2025
432 912177 MEHMET MUZAFFER KAHVECİ Health of the Elderly 2025 Functional constipation management with abdominal massage in the elderly: A randomized controlled study PhD
431 913161 DERYA ÇİMEN Fundamentals of Nursing 2025 Adaptation of the nursing students' competency scale into turkish: validity and reliability study MSc
430 913034 MERVE DEMİR Fundamentals of Nursing 2025 Turkish validity and reliability study of the occupational back pain prevention behaviors scale in nurses

Access is restricted by author till July 09, 2025
429 913018 HALİL ALSANCAK Fundamentals of Nursing 2025 Turkish validity and reliability study of stress factors and manifestations scale in emergency health workers

Access is restricted by author till July 09, 2025
Order ID Reg.# Author Department Year Title (Based on the records which students' have entered in The National Thesis Center) Type
428 908161 DUYGU ÇİMEN Sports Coaching Education 2024 Examining the effects of static and dynamic core exercises applied to children on strength and balance MSc
427 906774 SEMANUR ÇELİK Child Health and Diseases Nursing 2024 Friend relations of adolescents impact on lifestyle MSc
426 902849 ŞÜKRAN HİÇDURMAZ Health Management 2024 A research on determining nurses perceptions of diversity climate and attitudes of diversity MSc
425 899813 FATMA ÖZGE KOÇAK Health Management 2024 The effect of the level of compassion fatigue on the intention to stay in work in health care workers: The mediating role of the level of work quality of life MSc
424 896940 ÖZGE BAYKAN ÇOPUROĞLU Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2024 Comparison of the immediate effects of manual therapy and exercise applications on temporomandibular joint function in children with spastic cerebral palsy PhD
423 891225 AYŞEGÜL GÖKTAŞ Child Health and Diseases Nursing 2024 The effect of social media use attitudes and climate literacy on health among adolescents MSc
422 888676 BÜŞRA ULUTÜRK Physical Education and Sports 2024 Examination of the effects of 12 weeks of different exercises on selected hormones and body composition in male individuals with metabolic syndrome PhD
421 887857 EDANUR CANLI Medical Biology 2024 Investigation of anticancer effects of a new triazole derivative compound synthesised by click chemistry MSc
420 888056 ŞEVKİ KAPILI Sports Coaching Education 2024 Investigation of the relationships between the mental resistance of football coaches and their attitudes towards the video assistant referee system: The case of Isparta province MSc
419 887891 EBRU NUR AKSU Medical Biology 2024 Investigation of the neuroprotective effects of new 1,2,3-triazol derivate compounds in a model of in vitro parkinson's disease

Access is restricted by author till August 22, 2026
418 883434 SİNEM HEB Physical Education and Sports 2024 Investigation of the relationship between physical education teachers professional personality types and distance education competencies MSc
417 880713 ZİLAN İZGİ Obstetrical and Gynecology Nursing 2024 Microbiota awareness in pregnant and non-pregnant women MSc
416 883090 ARZU AYKUT Public Health Nursing 2024 The relationship between environmental literacy levels and microplastic pollution awareness of nurse and teacher candidates MSc
415 883640 CEREN ELMA Obstetrical and Gynecology Nursing 2024 Evaluatıon of perıneal hygıene of adolescents wıth mental retardatıon MSc
414 881132 CEMRE BEKTAŞ Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2024 Comparison of the effectiveness of manual static streching exercises and deep friction masssage applied to plantar flexor muscle group in children with spastic cerebral palsy MSc
413 877464 KÜBRA DURMUŞ Psychiatry Nursing 2024 Examination of the relationship between nurses' mental health literacy levels and holistic nursing competencies and professional self efficacy MSc
412 879489 ÖZGÜL EMİROĞLU SÜLLÜ Public Health Nursing 2024 The relationship between occupational health literacy and occupational health and safety culture among marble workers MSc
411 876787 HATİCE DURMAZ Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2024 Effect of neuromuscular training on upper extremity performance in recreational tennis players MSc
410 880145 GÜLŞAH ÜSTÜN TÜREDİ Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2024 The effect of sleep and lifestyle on musculoskeletal pain and physical performance in teenager electronic sport (e-sport) players MSc
409 876786 EDA KAYRAKCI Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2024 Comparison of the effects of different menstrual cycle phases on hip joint position sense, functional performance, and trunk stability in healthy young women MSc
408 877710 HİLAL TURNA Nutrition and Dietetics 2024 Use of some agricultural wastes to enrich the antioxidant content of olive oil MSc
407 880175 EMRAH CEYLAN Sports Coaching Education 2024 Investigation of the relationship between relative age, mental endurance and perceived performance in young boxers MSc
406 876922 AHMETCAN EYÜBOĞLU Sports Coaching Education 2024 Investigation of analysis parameters occurring at different periods in football match in terms of some variables : Analysis of Turkish Football Super League MSc
405 876496 MEHMET GÜLTEKİN Physical Education and Sports 2024 Examining the psychological resilience and self-efficacy levels of high school students engaged in sports and those not engaged in sports MSc
404 873853 MERVE ŞEVKİYE ASLAN Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2024 Investigation of the acute effects of different applications applied to the ankle on balance, proprioception and lower extremity performance in healthy individuals MSc
403 867461 BUSE ULUDAĞ Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2024 Bladder-bowel dysfunctions and status of benefiting from pelvic floor physiotherapy in children with neurodevelopmental disorders MSc
402 875071 BÜŞRA ŞAHİN Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2024 The effect on postural control, core stabilisation, physical performance and executive functions of slackline training in university students MSc
401 875210 EREN LEKESİZ Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2024 Investigation of the changes in thoracolumbar cobb angle, postural awareness and functional parameters of patients who underwent surgery after vertebral stress fracture MSc
400 875935 MUSTAFA UTKU SARI Sports Coaching Education 2024 The effect of alpha auditory stimulus on the interval training performance of road cyclists MSc
399 872629 EMRE İVGEN Surgical Diseases Nursing 2024 Evaluation of the effectiveness of the patient care roles of nurses working in surgical clinics MSc
398 868760 SEFA DONGAZ Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2024 Comparison of the efficiency of different treatment approaches in carpal tunnel syndrome: A randomized controlled double-blind study MSc
397 872882 DİLARA ÖZEN ORUK Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2024 Comparison of the effects of different exercise types on lower extremity muscle thickness, tendon thickness, muscle strength, proprioception and balance PhD
396 872207 BEYZA BEKDEMİR Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2024 Translation of the lung information needs questionnaire-2 (LINQ-2) and examination of its psychometric properties in Turkish MSc
395 873236 KAMİLE ERDEM Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2024 Comparison of the effects of specific exercise program and relaxation training applied during the first three days of menstruation in primary dysmenorrhea MSc
394 861978 MENZİLE GENCER Psychiatry Nursing 2024 Determining the awareness and sensitivity of nursing students about child abuse and neglect MSc
393 861994 SONGÜL BALKAN Obstetrical and Gynecology Nursing 2024 Factors Affectıng Of The Postpartum Blues In The Early Postpartum Perıod MSc
392 861122 GÜLİZAR KOÇ Surgical Diseases Nursing 2024 Assessment of the risk of post-operative constipation in patients undergoing spinal surgery MSc
391 861121 FATMA AYCAN ALIŞ BAY Surgical Diseases Nursing 2024 Determining the attitudes of nurses working in surgical services towards evidence-based nursing practices: Muğla case MSc
390 855692 ÖZGE GÜL Health Management 2024 Determining the relationship between e-health literacy level and healthy lifestyle behaviors: A research in Muğla province MSc
389 859414 ZEYNEP GÜNDÜZ Fundamentals of Nursing 2024 Nursing students' knowledge, attitudes and concerns about the current COVID-19 epidemic in Turkey MSc
388 860578 HASAN KERİMOĞLU Sports Coaching Education 2024 The effect of narrow field games on internal load, external load and technical parameters in female soccer players MSc
387 856331 SELİN SAKLAMAZ Psychiatry Nursing 2024 Determining the relationship between cognitive distortions and forgive decisions of individuals diagnosed with depression MSc
386 853479 GÖZDE ÇALGICI DURAN Psychiatry Nursing 2024 Determining the relationship between caregiver burden and psychological resilience levels in parents with disabled children MSc
385 853478 ŞERİFE ÜLLİĞİ Psychiatry Nursing 2024 Relationship between cyber date violence, anxiety and depression in nursing students MSc
384 855691 AYŞE TOP Psychiatry Nursing 2024 Investigation of the relationship between metacognitive beliefs, death anxiety and post-traumatic growth levels of coronary artery surgery patients MSc
383 853748 BURCU BODUR Nutrition and Dietetics 2024 Use of nutritional supplement in healthcare workers and the effect of the COVİD-19 pandemic on the use of nutritional supplement MSc
382 855774 HAKAN KIVRAK Physical Education and Sports 2024 Investigation of narcissism and loneliness levels in high school students who participate and do not participate in school sports MSc
381 856308 ÖZLEM PARA Sports Coaching Education 2024 The effect of proprioceptive exercise training on balance, agility and quickness parameters of young football players MSc
380 852746 BÜŞRA UYSAL Obstetrical and Gynecology Nursing 2024 Investigation of the effect of perceived social support on women's loneliness level in the antepartum and postpartum period MSc
379 854887 ALİ YİĞİT KOCABIÇAK Physical Education and Sports 2024 Determining the awareness, attitudes and leadership orientations of university students taking physical education and sports courses towards the effects of sports perceived towards individuals with mental disabilities by affective teaching approach using the affective teaching approach method PhD
378 851172 AYÇA YAZICI Histology and Embryology 2024 Investigation of the effects of carvacrol on epithelial mesenchymal transition in skov-3 human ovarian cancer cells MSc
377 852006 MERYEM YAREN YAVUZ AKKOYUN Obstetrical and Gynecology Nursing 2024 Father-infant attachment in the postpartum period andinvestigation of fathers' life satisfaction MSc
376 848318 ÖNER ÖNDER Health Management 2024 A qualitative research on zero waste management policies in hospitals PhD
375 848643 FİDAN ATEŞGÖZ Surgical Diseases Nursing 2024 Determination of nursing student's prejudices towards obese patients who underwent surgery MSc
374 848699 TİLBE GÖZTEPE KORKMAZ Surgical Diseases Nursing 2024 Determinig the knowledge and attitudes of nursing students to prevent pressure ulcer MSc
373 848709 MERVE AYDINALP Nutrition and Dietetics 2024 Evaluation of nutrition literacy status and nutrition-exercise behaviors of gastronomy culinary arts department students MSc
372 848708 MEHTAP ÇİFTÇİ Nutrition and Dietetics 2024 Probiotic yogurt production with bee pollen as a functional food MSc
371 847389 AYFER TÜRKMEN Obstetrical and Gynecology Nursing 2024 Effect of pilates exercise on improving the quality of life of women with polycystic ovary syndrome MSc
370 847275 MELİKE YILMAZ Nutrition and Dietetics 2024 Determination of the relationship between nutritional literacy and physical activity level, waist circumference and body fat percentage in adults MSc
369 843952 ENGİN KOCAKARIN Physical Education and Sports 2024 Effects of modified exercises performed with people who suffered from coronavirus on strength, balance, and respiration parameters PhD
Sıra Tez No Yazar Program Yıl Tez Adı Tez Türü
368 842626 KEVSER GÜRSAN Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2023 Investigation of the effects of different rehabilitationapproaches on cognitive functions, dual task performanceand handling in old individuals with mild cognitive disorder PhD
367 840940 SENA SARI Sports Coaching Education 2023 The effect of character on psychological vulnerability in amateur football players MSc
366 838185 ECEM İSFENDİYAROĞLU Sports Coaching Education 2023 Investigation of the effects of proprioceptive exercises on balance, perception, and reaction time in middle-aged volleyball players MSc
365 839202 İPEK ALTUNÖZ Public Health Nursing 2023 Validity and reliability of the european health literacy scale child form in Turkhis children MSc
364 835428 AYŞEGÜL DOĞAN Health Management 2023 Preventive oral and dental healthcare services: A model proposal PhD
363 837444 ESRA YILMAZ Nutrition and Dietetics 2023 The relationship of irritable bowel syndrome subtypes and severity with dietary triggers in adult individuals living in Usak MSc
362 830626 HAKAN BARKA Health Management 2023 The effects of culture and health literacy on attitudes towards Covid-19 vaccines: A study on university students MSc
361 831318 ABDURRAHMAN YARAŞ Physical Education and Sports 2023 An analysis on the financial structures and crisis managements of football clubs in the period of crisis: a mixed method research PhD
360 829814 KARDELEN BİLGİ Obstetrical and Gynecology Nursing 2023 The effect of primary headache seen in pregnant women on women's quality of life MSc
359 827073 BERRA CEYLAN Nutrition and Dietetics 2023 Probiotic kefir production from different vegetable milk MSc
358 828295 İLAYDA APAYDIN Nutrition and Dietetics 2023 Examining the relationship between perceived maternal attitude and eating behaviors among female University students MSc
357 820651 MERVE ARATEMÜR Sports Coaching Education 2023 Investigation of the effects of participation in sports on self-regulation and play skills of 5-6 years old children with mixed design MSc
356 817255 BENSU YILDIZ Health Management 2023 The effect of the perception of the motivations of the health workers on the intention to quit: Example of public hospital MSc
355 819065 ÜLKÜM ERDOĞAN YÜCE Physical Education and Sports 2023 Effect of mental training on psychophysiological response, selected physical fitness and psychological skills in football players PhD
354 818102 FEYZA ACAR Psychiatry Nursing 2023 The relationship between mood profile and finding meaning in life in patients receiving dialysis treatment, depending on whether they receive hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis treatment MSc
353 817316 MERVE FİT Nursing 2023 Investigation of the relationship between self care and quality of life in patients diagnosed type 2 diabetus mellitus MSc
352 817717 GÖKÇE NUR TUNA Obstetrical and Gynecology Nursing 2023 Occurence of postpartum blues and depression in women with vaginal and cesarean deliveries MSc
351 817713 SALSABEEL ALSHABIB KAVAK Nutrition and Dietetics 2023 Investigation of dietary supplement consumption in Turkey and Azerbaijan in the period of Covid-19 MSc
350 817321 SİNEM ULUTAŞ Nutrition and Dietetics 2023 The relationship between bread consumption and BMI in adults MSc
349 817319 VELİHAN KARA Nutrition and Dietetics 2023 The relationship between eating behavior and orthorexia nervosa (healthy eating obsessions) of NDD students: The case of Muğla University MSc
348 817862 ÖZCAN ÖZ Sports Coaching Education 2023 Examination of the relationship between the sources of stress and the mental strength of football players MSc
347 816822 MELİS KILIÇ Medical Biology 2023 Investigation of anticancer effects of Schiff base ligand and Co (II) metal complex containing cationic group on cancer cells MSc
346 816821 AYŞEGÜL DEMİRTAŞ BİLGİÇ Medical Biology 2023 Investigation of the relationship between long non-coding RNA NEAT1, miR-139-5p, miR-129-5p, TGF-β1 and Collagen Type I with Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) MSc
345 816896 YUSUF YAVUZ Psychiatry Nursing 2023 Investigation of the relationship between the level of insight and the level of social functionality of patients with schizophrenia MSc
344 816895 MURAT ERDAL Psychiatry Nursing 2023 The effect of preoperative education given to patients which will have open heart surgery on the patient's anxiety and death anxiety MSc
343 809898 MİNE TOPÇU Public Health Nursing 2023 The relationship between disease self-management and health literacy of individuals diagnosed with hypertension MSc
342 820218 ÇİLEM ÖZDEMİR Medical Biology 2023 Molecular and in silico analysis of monoglyceride lipase (MGLL) gene and associated mirnas in lung cancer MSc
341 819485 ZEHRA ALEYNA AYKURT Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2023 Investigation of factors affecting physical function and activity levels in pregnancy with and without gestational diabetes MSc
340 819490 AYSEL MERT Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2023 Evaluation of inter-recti distance during different abdominal exercises with ultrasonographic imaging in pregnancy MSc
339 820243 MÜJDE DAMLA BOYACI Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2023 Validity and reliability study of the turkish version of VQ11 questionnaire MSc
338 820161 KÜBRA SÖĞÜT Obstetrical and Gynecology Nursing 2023 Breast problems in early postpartum women in Muğla province and their effect on breastfeeding success MSc
337 817427 MÜRÜVVET DURAK Public Health Nursing 2023 The relationship between health literacy of the adults with type 2 diabetes and their disease-related health beliefs MSc
336 817345 FEHİME NİDA GÜLLÜ Public Health Nursing 2023 The relationship between teachers' knowledge of human papilloma virus infection and health literacy MSc
335 820236 YAVUZ BOZDAŞ Sports Coaching Education 2023 Investigation of the relationship between some anthropometric and biomotoric features and tennis skills levels in children MSc
334 814227 HAYRİYE YILMAZ Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2023 Effects of telerehabilitation programs include aerobic exercise and relaxation training in patients with TYPE-2 diabetes with and without COVİD-19 PhD
333 814146 UMMAHAN BELKIRAT Nutrition and Dietetics 2023 The effect of the level of fear experienced by healthcare workers on eating attitudes and nutrition habits during COVİD-19 pandemic period MSc
332 811068 ÖZGE KANAL Health Management 2023 Interaction of organizational silence and organizational citizenship behavior: A research on nurses working in private hospitals MSc
331 810606 SİBEL NUR IŞIK Public Health Nursing 2023 Factors affecting the general HEALTH perception, quality of life and stress level of individuals with chronic mental illness during the COVİD-19 pandemic MSc
330 810593 NURDAN ÇETİN Surgical Diseases Nursing 2023 Determination of the effect of peppermint oil on post-operative nausea vomiting in patients undergoing single level cervical surgery MSc
329 810591 YAHYA AĞUŞ Surgical Diseases Nursing 2023 The effect of music on surgical fear and anxiety in thyroid surgery patients MSc
328 810791 GİZEM ASLAN Nutrition and Dietetics 2023 Effect of different drying methods on some properties of bee pollen enriched "üzüm köftesi" MSc
327 812167 İBRAHİM İHSAN ARIKAN Physical Education and Sports 2023 Effect of combined aerobic-resistance exercise on sarcopenia in patients with peritoneal dialysis PhD
326 809966 NİLAY KULAKSIZOĞLU Fundamentals of Nursing 2023 Evaluation of the opinions of HEALTH professionals on patient safety climate in the pandemic process MSc
325 807983 MERVE TURAN BUDAK Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2023 Comparison of physical activity level, posture and perceived stress level of healthcare professionals and teachers MSc
324 812432 ÖMER CAN GÜRSOY Physical Education and Sports 2023 Investigation of some biomotoric features and reaction time levels of kite surf instructors according to the traning time and personal training time MSc
323 805066 AYŞE NUR ELMASKAYA Nutrition and Dietetics 2023 Evaluation of eating behavior disorders and the level of adherence to the Mediterranean diet during the Covid-19 pandemic period MSc
322 808226 CANSU KESKİN Nutrition and Dietetics 2023 Investigation of nutritional content and sensoryproperties of buckwheat flour-enhanced gluten-freebreads MSc
321 808033 PERİHAN VELİOĞLU Fundamentals of Nursing 2023 A good nurse and better nursing questionnaire from nurses' perspective MSc
320 806225 GÜLAY BAŞ Child Health and Diseases Nursing 2023 Positive gains scale for parents with orthopedic disabilities: Turkish validity and safety survey MSc
319 806228 MELİS HÜSMENOĞLU Nutrition and Dietetics 2023 Survey of sustainable nutrition awareness of preschool teachers MSc
318 806198 BEYZA ÖZDEMİR Nutrition and Dietetics 2023 The effect of the media on the healthy food selection and consumption of high school students MSc
317 805250 FATİH SALMAN Physical Education and Sports 2023 Reflective and critical thinking as determinants of academic achivement: A study in physical education and sport teacher candidates MSc
316 805210 TURAN KAHREMAN Health Management 2023 Examining the relationship between market orientation and organizational innovation - A research on hospitals operating in Antalya MSc
315 804641 YALÇIN DURAK Child Health and Diseases Nursing 2023 Investigation of the relationship between adolescents' healthy lifestyle beliefs and awareness of sustainable living MSc
314 804609 SERHAT BATIBAY Child Health and Diseases Nursing 2023 Evaluation of the attitudes of parents with children with epilepsy towards rational drug use MSc
313 805868 MERVE KARAÇAM Child Health and Diseases Nursing 2023 Investigation of secondary school students' attitudes to heart HEALTH and affecting factors MSc
312 804608 ESRA KOÇAK ŞAHİN Child Health and Diseases Nursing 2023 Examination of the relationship between HEALTH improvement behavior and game addiction in adolescent MSc
311 803777 GAMZE AVCI Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2023 Assessment of upper extremity functions in adolescents with cerebral palsy MSc
310 803630 ANESA FIRZI Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2023 The effect of the covid-19 pandemic on the level of burnout and quality of life in physiotherapists MSc
309 802969 ÖZGE İPEK DONGAZ Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2023 Investigation of the effect of home exercise program on various parameters in patients with multiple sclerosis PhD
308 802124 ESRA FENER Health Management 2023 Mediating effect of patient satisfaction on the effect of corporate image on patient loyalty PhD
307 803494 AMRA HALUGIC ŞEN Histology and Embryology 2023 Investigation of the effect of cinnamaldehyde on leptin-exposed pc-3 prostate cancer cells via pi3k/mapk signal transduction pathways MSc
306 802816 ŞEYDA ALTUNKAYNAK Child Health and Diseases Nursing 2023 Determination of stress level and assessment of family-centered care of parents with a child treated in the intensive care unit MSc
305 802307 ÖMER DEMİR Health Management 2023 Analysis of drug stocks with ABC and VED methods: Private hospital example MSc
304 802315 ŞULE ÇATALKAYA Health Management 2023 Determining the compliance of public and private hospitals according to criteria of green hospitals: A research on hospitals operating in Muğla MSc
303 801993 HACI AHMET ÇANKAYA Fundamentals of Nursing 2023 The effect of adjustment to illness in hemodialysis patients on fluid control MSc
302 802564 MERVE CİN Physical Education and Sports 2023 Can strength applications before interval training improve the effects of interval training? PhD
301 798566 MERVE SELBES Child Health and Diseases Nursing 2023 The evaluation of the knowledge levels, the initiatives and the attitudes of the health professionals working in the newborn intensive care unit regarding newborn pain MSc
300 798779 İSMAİL ATALAY Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2023 Evaluation of kinesiophobia in individuals with chronic obstructive lung disease: A scale development study MSc
299 790548 GÜLBAHAR ÇELEN Obstetrical and Gynecology Nursing 2023 Self- efficiency perceptions and birth fears of Turkishand immigrant primigravidas regarding normal birth MSc
298 784104 KISMET DURAN Psychiatry Nursing 2023 Examination of the relationship between nursing students' mental health literacy levels and holistic nursing qualifications MSc
297 789941 MELİKE EKİCİ Public Health Nursing 2023 Determining the knowledge and anxiety levels and attitudes to the vaccine of cleaning employees about COVİD-19 MSc
296 786998 SEMA KAYA BOZKURT Child Health and Diseases Nursing 2023 Investigation of the relationship between psychological resilience and stress levels of mothers hospital hospitalized in the neonatal intensive care unit MSc
295 777090 BÜKRE İPEK KAVAK Public Health Nursing 2023 Examination of the relationship between fear of coronavirus (COVİD-19) and job satisfaction in nurses working in a training research hospital MSc
294 788188 ARZU YÜSEİN MUTLU Obstetrical and Gynecology Nursing 2023 HEALTH seeking behaviors of women with genitourinary syndrome in the menopausal period MSc
293 790407 GAMZE SAFİYE DENİZ Sports Coaching Education 2023 Examination of the relationship between the communication skills and competences of tennis coaches and their answers to the aos test MSc
292 784813 ÖZLEM ŞAHAN Public Health Nursing 2023 The relationship between postpartum quality of life and support levels of mothers MSc
291 786318 ÖZLEM ÇAKIR Obstetrical and Gynecology Nursing 2023 Maintaining gynecological control of women's menopaus attitudeseffect on motivations MSc
290 786015 CANSU DALGIÇ Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2023 Reliability and validity of the Turkish version of 'pain concepts questionnaire' in individuals with chronic musculoskeletal pain MSc
289 786483 BETÜL BİNGÖL Sports Coaching Education 2023 Investigation of the effect of selected anthropometric features on sprint swimming performance in star category swimmers MSc
288 784377 KÜBRA TOKSUN GEVREK Public Health Nursing 2023 Women's breast cancer risk levels and HEALTH beliefs on prevention MSc
287 784275 BURCU GÜNAYDIN Histology and Embryology 2023 Investigation of the effects of phenformin on hif-1α and pdk1 expression from skov-3 human ovarian cancer cells under hypoxic conditions MSc
286 784373 MUSA ÇANKAYA Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2023 Comparison of the efficiency of Russian and Aussie (Australian) streams with isokinetic exercise in individuals with patellofemoral pain syndrome: A randomized controlled study PhD
285 784117 FERDA ARSLAN  Public Health Nursing 2023 Determination of psychological distress and mental health literacy levels of nurses working a university hospital during the covid-19 pandemic MSc
284 783989 KÜBRANUR TUNA Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2023 Reliability and validity of the Turkish version of the pain knowledge and attitudes questionnaire MSc
283 784095 TANSU ATA BORAN Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2023 Investigation of working postures, body awareness and upper extremity functionality of school teachers MSc
282 783471 BUSE AKÇAY Nutrition and Dietetics 2023 Designing different fruit juices consumed in Turkey as texture-moded drink MSc
281 783782 EMRE ÇAKIR Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2023 Investigation of pain and comfort perception during bicycle riding MSc
280 783760 BERHAN ARSLAN Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2023 Investigation of the effect of nomophobia levels of municipal office employees on upper extremity physical performance, social anxiety and work performance MSc
279 783641 ŞADİYE İKİZ Psychiatry Nursing 2023 The effect of covid 19 anxiety on symptoms of secondary traumatic stress and somatization in healthcare professionals MSc
278 783604 NURCAN NEHİR Psychiatry Nursing 2023 Determination of the effect of coronavirus anxiety on parenting stress and burnout in healthcare workers MSc
277 781814 SERPİL SOY Physical Education and Sports 2023 Investigation of physical education teachers' technostress perceptions and the relationship between web 2.0 rapid content development self-efficacy beliefs MSc
276 780579 ŞULE ERKAN Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2023 Turkish reliability and validity study of the chedoke ARM and hand activity inventory (CAHAI) questionnaire MSc
275 780763 GÜLSEN TAMER Physical Education and Sports 2023 Investigation of the effect of 16-WEEK rafting training on reaction time and some biomotoric properties of rafting players MSc
274 780714 CENNET GÜL EROL Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2023 Investigation of the effects of lower limb muscle performance and balance measurement values on shot score of teenager target archery athletes MSc
273 779633 EDİBE ECE ONUR Child Health and Diseases Nursing 2023 Examination of traditional and complementary therapy use cases and affecting factors for children of parents with children with autism spectrum disorder diagnosis MSc
272 780483 ROJBİN ÇİFTÇİ Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2023 Investigation of physiotherapy and rehabilitation student's perceptions of professional competence in the process of distance education MSc
271 780619 EBRU KARADENİZ Psychiatry Nursing 2023 The relationship of cancer patient's fear of recurrence with various variables MSc
270 780551 YAKUP ÖZCAN Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2023 Investigation of education and rehabilitation services for persons with disabilities in need of special education from the perspective of the family during the pandemic period MSc
269 779427 METEHAN SARIKAYA Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2023 Effects of kinesio taping techniques on pulmonary parameters and functional exercise capacity in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease MSc
268 779385 ELİF ANGIN Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2023 Investigation of urinary incontinence symptoms and related knowledge and awareness in individuals with chronic respiratory disease MSc
267 778254 MERVE GÜRKAN Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2023 Validity and reliability study of the Turkish version of the modified cigarette evaluation questionnaire in young adult smokers MSc
266 777851 ECE EKİZ Nutrition and Dietetics 2023 Investigation of the nutritional and chemical properties of breads enriched with red pine (pinus brutia) and black pine (pinus nigra) bark MSc
265 771521 ÖZLEM ASLAN BURSALI Nutrition and Dietetics 2023 Fermentation of bergamot (citrus bergamia) fruit with lactobacillus plantarum strain: Analysis of phenolic compounds, short chain fatty acids MSc
264 775600 ÖMER TERZİ Child Health and Diseases Nursing 2023 The effect of voice applications on pain in premature infants: A systematic review MSc
263 777098 SÜLEYMAN BAKAR Histology and Embryology 2023 Histopathological investigation of the possible protective effects of lavandula stoechas on testicular damage induced by cadmium chloride in rats MSc
262 773095 MELEK SEYHAN DEMİR Public Health Nursing 2023 Investigation of perception of HEALTH and attitudes towards the COVİD-19 vaccine: The example of healthcare professionals MSc
261 773204 FATMA ÖZNUR AFACAN Nutrition and Dietetics 2023 Evaluation of the relationship of Mediterranean diet compliance with healthy eating attitude and phase angle in university students MSc
260 769930 SEMİHA YENİŞEHİR Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2023 Effects of different physiotherapy programs on constipation symptoms and quality of life in individuals with functional constipation PhD
259 773578 BERNA KIRIKOĞLU Health Management 2023 Evaluation of OECD countries in terms of selected health indicators and by data envelope analysis with Covid-19 pandemic process data MSc
Order ID Reg.# Author Department Year Title (Based on the records which students' have entered in The National Thesis Center) Type
258 769588 FERHAN BERİL YILDIZ Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2022 Acute effect of cryotherapy period on muscle strength, flexibility, endurance and balance in HEALTHY individuals MSc
257 768660 FİRDEVS İNCE TÜRKMEN Nutrition and Dietetics 2022 Perceived stress in university students during the COVİD-19 pandemic and its relationship with eating motivation and anthropometric measurements MSc
256 765566 AYŞE SEDA ŞENLİK Nutrition and Dietetics 2022 Effects of germination on nutritional value, total phenol content and antioxidant capacity of grains and legumes grown in Turkey MSc
255 762343 AYKUT AKSU Physical Education and Sports 2022 The effect of individual innovation on the ecological footprint awareness and green purchasing behaviors of generation X, Y, Z sports consumers PhD
254 767591 EMİNE ASLAN Obstetrics and Gynaecology Nursing 2022 Attitudes and knowledge levels of women of reproductive age towards the early diagnosis of cervical cancer MSc
253 757962 YUSUF ŞAHBAZ Fundamentals of Nursing 2022 Determining the quality of life of nurses providing care to COVİD-19 patients MSc
252 756981 SERDAR YILDIRIM Sports Coaching Education 2022 Investigation of the relationships between the tactical skills used by footballers and their perfect performance levels MSc
251 754638 JİYAN ÜRÜN Child Health and Diseases Nursing 2022 Investigation of the relationship between the attitude of asthmed children and adolescents toward its diseases and their self-efficiency MSc
250 755654 MOHAMMED MURTADHA JABBAR ALSANAM Nursing 2022 SELF-CARE behaviors of hypertensive individuals MSc
249 752270 MAHMUDE UYSAL Fundamentals of Nursing 2022 Investigation of awareness of pediatric nurses regarding the determination of DRY powder displacement volumes of powder medicines in vial form MSc
248 752301 KURTULUŞ ASLAN Physical Education and Sports 2022 The effect of time of day and chronotype on cognitive functions of young athletes in different branches PhD
247 749006 HATİCE HANDE ELDEMİR Public Health Nursing 2022 Comparison of work stress, burnout and anxiety levels of nurses working and not working in the COVID-19 pandemic clinic MSc
246 750153 ALI HASAN NOMAS ALGHAZALI Nursing 2022 Heart failure patients' knowledge about their diseases and self-care behaviors MSc
245 748468 RÜYA BEYHAN Physical Education and Sports 2022 Investigation of academic motivation level of physical education and sports teacher candidates in the COVİD 19 pandemic process in terms of some changes MSc
244 745183 DİLEK ONARAN Fundamentals of Nursing 2022 The effect of nursing care based on the roy adaptation model of home caregivers on caregivers burden of care MSc
243 744698 DUYGU YILDIRIM Physical Education and Sports 2022 Kardiyo-pilates egzersizlerinin masa başı çalışan bireylerde bazı fiziksel uygunluk unsurları, fiziksel aktivite düzeyi, yaşam kalitesi, iş doyumu ve mutluluk üzerine etkisi PhD
242 744203 GAYE AÇCAN Medical Biology 2022 Identification of biomarkesrs in different glioma types using bioinformatic tools from the epitranscriptome perspective MSc
241 741181 AYSUN YAŞAR Health Management 2022 Performance determination of hospitals of Ministry of Health by Data Envelopment Analysis MSc
240 743887 İSMAİL ÇAĞLAR ALTUNKAYNAK Public Health Nursing 2022 Determination of knowledge, awareness and anxiety levels of religious officials regarding Covid-19 disease MSc
239 743890 AYŞEN KARATAŞ Obstetrics and Gynaecology Nursing 2022 The relationship of mothers' breastfeeding success and self-efficiency with postpartum blues and depression MSc
238 745015 AYŞE BOZAN Health Management 2022 Effect of glass ceiling perception on performance in healthcare institution: Private hospitals example MSc
237 741844 DİLAN AYDEMİR Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2022 A comparison of the psychometric properties of three different Turkish scales assessing the level of knowledge about pelvic floor health MSc
236 741842 MERVENUR YAVUZ Medical Biology 2022 Cellular and molecular analysis of conditioned medium and quinine-like molecules' effects on GBM cell lines MSc
235 743512 DİLEK ÇAĞRI ARSLAN Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2022 Effects of two different kinesio taping applications on pain and functional mobility in pregnants with lumbopelvic pain MSc
234 741762 AYŞE KIZILHAN Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2022 The effects of self-fascial release technique on foot sole pressure and functional performance in individuals with LOW medial longitudinal ARCH MSc
233 741841 İLİMDAR AHMET Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2022 Investigation of FEAR of coronavirus, physical activity level and compliance with home program in physically handicapped individuals who came or did not come to the special education and rehabilitation center during the coronavirus pandemic period MSc
232 741874 SEHER GÜNGÖR Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2022 Examination of musculoskeletal system pain of healthcare professionals during the COVİD-19 epidemic MSc
231 741613 ALPER KIZIL Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2022 Investigation of working postures and musculoskeletal disorders of physiotherapists working during the COVİD-19 pandemic MSc
230 741684 ÜMİT ÇOLAKOĞLU Physical Education and Sports 2022 The effect of basketball fans' conscious consumption behavior on consumer decision-making and perceived brand value PhD
229 741449 ÖZNUR ÇELTEK ORHAN Child Health and Diseases Nursing 2022 Examination of the relationship between nutrition exercise behavior and internet addiction in adolescents MSc
228 731435 CEVRİYE ALTUNTAŞ Nursing 2022 Evaluation of the efficiency of nursing education given with different methods on anticoagulant drug use MSc
227 741446 PAKİZE NURGÜL ŞEN Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2022 Investigation of the parameters regarding the general HEALTH status of correctional officer MSc
226 735474 FATMANUR ÖZCAN Psychiatry Nursing 2022 The effect of nursing students' therapeutic communication skills on spiritual care competencies MSc
225 741066 NİSA KERKEZ Health Management 2022 An examination of the relationship between health literacy and health perception: A research in public university MSc
224 736482 FATMA ATEŞ Fundamentals of Nursing 2022 The effect of acceptance of illness in hemodialysis patients on comfort level MSc
223 740763 EMRE KARAYAZICI Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2022 The effect of core stabilization on dynamic balance, functional alignment of trunk and knee in volleyball players MSc
222 735846 GÖKHAN İRHAN Physical Education and Sports 2022 Physical Education and Sports öğretmeni adaylarının psikolojik iyi oluşları ile sosyal görünüş kaygılarının iletişim becerilerine etkisi: Muğla örneği MSc
221 734411 GÜLŞAH KAPKIN Child Health and Diseases Nursing 2022 Evaluation of the effect of supportive care requirements of parents and fears of cancer recurrence on quality of life after treatment in pediatric oncology MSc
220 729502 DİLEK SİVRİ Nutrition and Dietetics 2022 Determining the nutrition status and mindful eating in elder; Muğla city case MSc
219 728710 ÖZLEM KARACA Psychiatry Nursing 2022 The effect of the fear of the Covid-19 epidemic on the ethical moral sensitivity status and quality of work life of healthcare workers MSc
218 729277 DUYGU ALATAŞ Nutrition and Dietetics 2022 Examination of university students' knowledge levels and attitudes about genetically modified organisms (GMO): Muğla Sitki Koçman University Faculty of Health Sciences case MSc
217 723059 SANİYE KIREM Health Management 2022 Cost analysis of dialysis treatment methods MSc
216 720878 GÖKHAN ESEN Physical Education and Sports 2022 The relationship between learning style, physical intelligence and attitude towards sports in adolescents MSc
215 720745 TOLGA ALTUĞ Physical Education and Sports 2022 Investigation of the biomotoric features, some altitude dependent hormonal levels and blood parameters of tandem (paragliding) athletes PhD
214 720701 FATİH KAYHAN TELEF Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2022 Evaluation of the musculoskeletal system, body awareness and perceived stress level of hairdressers and barbers MSc
213 716855 CANSU DAL Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2022 Comparison of the effects of connective tissue massage and classical massage on pain, functional status and quality of life in patients with chronic non-specific LOW back pain MSc
212 718392 ATAHAN DOYRAN Physical Education and Sports 2022 Examination of the relationship between secondary school students' physical education and sports lesson compatibility levels and their NEED-supporting teaching style perceptions MSc
211 710852 AHMET SELÇUK YEŞİLYURT Physical Education and Sports 2022 A comparative examination of physical education and sports teacher training programs: The case of Turkey – Czechia MSc
210 709412 TOLGA CÜCEOĞLU Nursing 2022 Evaluation of quality of life in patients with hematopoetic stem cell transplant: Ankara City Hospital example MSc
209 708763 MUHAMMED METEHAN GENÇ Physical Education and Sports 2022 In adults investigation of the effect of online strength development exercises on physical fitness, muscle development and some physiological properties MSc
208 709426 BUĞSE BÖLEÇ Nursing 2022 Determination of the relationship between nurses' anxiety of getting caught coronavirus (COVID-19) and their HEALTHY nutrition attitudes during the pandemic process MSc
207 707426 SERPİL ARSLAN Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2022 Examination of the relationship between physical activity level, depression level and quality of life of healthcare professionals: a study in Çankiri State Hospital MSc
206 705050 GÜLDEN KANDEMİR POLAT Nursing 2022 Evaluating the relationship between treatment adherence of TYPE 2 diabetes patients and insulin administration skills MSc
Order ID Reg.# Author Department Year Title (Based on the records which students' have entered in The National Thesis Center) Type
205 705053 ÖZGÜR ÖZCAN Nursing 2021 Patient care quality and affecting factors in the pandemic process MSc
204 702592 FATMA EKEN Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2021 Investigation of the psychometric properties of the Turkish version of brighton musculoskeletal patient reported outcome measurements MSc
203 699010 ÖZLEM NUR TOK Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2021 Adaptation of the knee quality of life 26 item questionnaire to Turkish: Cultural adaptation, reliability and validity MSc
202 695574 MUHAMMED ACAR Sports Coaching Education 2021 Investigation of nutrition habits and knowledge levels of elite basketball players at different levels MSc
201 695780 YASİN KÜÇÜKKIRMIZI Physical Education and Sports 2021 The analysis of physical education and sports teachers' perspectives on distance education classes of physical education and sports: A mixed method research MSc
Sports Coaching Education 2021 Investigation of the effect of the training vehicle designed to be used in handball trainings on shooting performance MSc
199 684490 MEHMET YAVUZ Sports Coaching Education 2021 Technical and tactical analysis of goals scored in football competitions played in different European leagues: Bundesliga, La Liga, Premier league MSc
198 684840 YELİZ ERDOĞAN KARCI Physical Education and Sports 2021 Investigation of the relationship between attitude towards sports, family communication and commitment MSc
197 684394 BAHTİYAR ULAŞ URHAN Physical Education and Sports 2021 Investigation of the effect of 6-week saq training on some technical skills of young female footballers MSc
196 682338 SERAY CAN Physical Education and Sports 2021 Physical education during the covid-19 pandemic andonline training of sports teachers integrating technology into its applications levels MSc
195 680561 EMRE UÇAR Public Health Nursing 2021 Women's health perceptions, cervical cancer and pap smear test health beliefs MSc
194 678233 AYATULLAH YILDIZ Health Management 2021 Evaluation of family medicine practice from the perspective of the doctor and the individual: A research in Bitlis MSc
193 680597 ÖMER BORAN Nursing 2021 Determining the Learning Needs at Discharge of Patients Undergoing Spinal Surgery MSc
192 682484 ABDULGAFUR NAR Physical Education and Sports 2021 Investigation of the relationship between perceived parental attitudes and success motivation in 9-14 age group tennis athletes MSc
191 678581 ECE ERVÜZ Physical Education and Sports 2021 Investigation of the effect of stretching and balance exercise program on functional movements in 12-14 age group female volleyball players MSc
190 675367 DUYGU YARALI BİNGÖL Physical Education and Sports 2021 Examination of the relationship between personality traits and gender roles of women athletes PhD
189 668165 AYDAN KERMEN Physical Education and Sports 2021 Investigation of career planning and development status of graduates and students in sports sciences (Muğla Sitki Koçman University case) MSc
188 656098 AYDAN SELEN YILMAZ Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2021 Spinal Mobility and Neck Awareness in Academics with Chronic Neck Pain MSc
187 656162 ASALET AYBÜKE GÜP Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2021 Early effects of trunk kinesio taping on balance and functional performance in patients with acute stroke MSc
186 656155 SELÇUK ERDOĞAN Physical Education and Sports 2021 The comparative analysis of Turkish Super League with Europe's big 5 football leagues PhD
Order ID Reg.# Author Department Year Title (Based on the records which students' have entered in The National Thesis Center) Type
185 649297 SİNAN ÇELİKBİLEK Physical Education and Sports 2020 Investigation of the effect of selective physical education and sports courses on university students on size and social communication skills with some biomotoric features PhD
184 647702 ÜLKÜ DEMİRKAN YAPAR Nursing 2020 Turkish Validity and Reliability Study of the Sleep Belief Scale MSc
183 647426 ÖYKÜ AVCI Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2020 The effect of kinesiotaping technique applied in different tension on healthy individual's pressure pain threshold and pain tolerance MSc
182 643113 BERK KABLAN Nursing 2020 Determination of the Congruence Between Nurses and Patients' Pain Assessment and Nurses' Pain Beliefs MSc
181 642145 FATİH MEHMET DİŞÇEKEN Nursing 2020 Evaluation of the relationship between pain perception and postoperative pain severity in patients undergoing abdominal surgery MSc
180 638974 İLAYDA AYÇA UÇAR Physical Education and Sports 2020 Investigation of the effect of 8-WEEK basketball training program on physical fitness, hand skill and reaction time in individuals with mental disabilities MSc
179 639194 TURGUT ÇULCUOĞLU Physical Education and Sports 2020 Investigation of factors predicting school climate perceptions of sports sciences students MSc
178 641669 ÖMER KÜRŞAD KATIRCI Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2020 The effect of kinesio taping on shooting and upper extremity performance in archery athletes MSc
177 639314 ELZEM BOZKURT Physical Education and Sports 2020 The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between anthropometric features, some physical fitness parameters and swimming performances in children WHO do swimming MSc
176 638056 ENDER ŞENEL Physical Education and Sports 2020 Infrastructure problem in Turkish football: A search for A system PhD
175 639114 KADİR ER Sports Coaching Education 2020 Investigation of exercise addiction in master athletes caring for individual and team sports MSc
174 638925 KÜRŞAT ÇİMEN Sports Coaching Education 2020 Investigation of weight loss profiles in the seniors freestyle wrestlers participated in Turkey championship MSc
173 638965 VELİ BATUR Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2020 Investigation of the psychometric properties of four different functional mobility tests in patients with parkinson's disease MSc
172 640802 AYDIN PEKEL Physical Education and Sports 2020 Internal entrepreneurship in sport organizations and internal marketing perception in developing customer-oriented behavior and mediating role of the perceived organizational support PhD
171 641523 EMRE AYDOĞAN Sports Coaching Education 2020 Investigation of the effects of 4 week cross fit training on balance agility and strength parameters in kick boxing athletes MSc
170 647430 AYŞE ADIGÜZEL BAYAR Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2020 Adaptation of “The Functional Difficulties Questionnaire-shortened version” questionnaire to Turkish and determination of psychometric properties: Validity and reliability study MSc
169 625739 HİLAL UZUNLAR Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2020 Effect of Kinesiotaping in Different Directions on Muscle Endurance in Healthy Individuals MSc
168 641575 AYŞE SALGIN Sports Coaching Education 2020 Examination of healthy lifestyle behaviors and physical activity levels of university students MSc
167 641563 FATMA İLKNUR İNAN Psychiatry Nursing 2020 Investigation of the attitudes of nurses working in a training and research hospital towards forensic psychiatry patients MSc
166 641562 HÜLYA ÇOLAK Physical Education and Sports 2020 Investigation of some psychological parameters that could cause substance use in students of faculty of sport sciences MSc
165 641538 SERHAT ÇİÇEK Sports Coaching Education 2020 Some technical and tactical analysis of the criteria of the Turkish national Futsal Team match played between 2015-2018 MSc
164 641549 ERKAN BİNGÖL Physical Education and Sports 2020 Investigation of relationships among motivation, self talking and performance on combat athletes PhD
163 641557 GÜLFER FİDAN Public Health Nursing 2020 The knowledge and practice among university students about cosmetics and personal care products MSc
Order ID Reg.# Author Department Year Title (Based on the records which students' have entered in The National Thesis Center) Type
162 611799 ECESU ÖZCAN Physical Education and Sports 2019 An investigation of emotional and goal commitment levels in university students doing individual and team sports MSc
161 602643 YAĞMUR YILDIZ Sports Coaching Education 2019 Investigation of the effects of sleep, tv watch, computer and smart phone usage time on physical activity level and body composition in girls and boys between 10-14 years MSc
160 638023 ALİ BALKAN Nursing 2019 Determination of complications of patients undergoing total hip replacement after discharge MSc
159 611860 ABDULSELAM KARHARMAN Physical Education and Sports 2019 The effect of positive perception and mental toughness levels on success motivation in elite mountain running athletes PhD
158 611798 KAAN SALMAN Sports Coaching Education 2019 Comparison of some physical fitness characteristics, match activity profiles and performances of basketball players according to their positions MSc
157 611744 DUYGU ERCAN Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2019 Validity and reliability study of the Turkish version of perme intensive care unit mobility scale MSc
156 609353 SEDA KILINÇ Nursing 2019 Validity and reliability study of humanistic nurse-patient scale MSc
155 611671 İLKER GÜNEL Physical Education and Sports 2019 Sport-specific success on the effect of motivation of doc perceived service quality: An application on turkey training area olympic athletes head preparatory PhD
154 609537 MEVLÜT YILDIZ Physical Education and Sports 2019 Sportsmanship orientation in athletes: Goal commitment and the role of morality in sport PhD
153 611679 HALİL İBRAHİM CEYLAN Physical Education and Sports 2019 An examination of the effect of aerobic exercises at different times of the day on selected hormones related to obesity in individuals with different body composition PhD
152 611669 MEHDİ DUYAN Physical Education and Sports 2019 The effect of transformational leadership on job satisfaction: An application on academic staff in faculties of sport sciences PhD
151 609548 HAKAN KARABALCIK Sports Coaching Education 2019 Examining of the physical capacity, activity profiles and decision-making skills of football referees during the match MSc
150 578294 GÖRKEM MENTEŞ Sports Coaching Education 2019 Investigation of mental toughness and cognitive flexibility of sports speaking with E-sports and traditional sports MSc
149 609519 MUSTAFA ÇELİK Physical Education and Sports 2019 A research on buying behavior of football team fans (Göztepe Sports Club example) MSc
148 609542 AYŞE NURPER ÇALIŞKAN Health Management 2019 Cost analysis of palyative care centers: A case of public hospital MSc
147 609544 MİHRİBAN SERVİLİLER Physical Education and Sports 2019 Investigation of the effects of reformer exercises on posture disorder, flexibility, balance and muscle strength in middle-aged and older women MSc
146 609538 MEHMET ÜLKER Sports Coaching Education 2019 An investigation of the effect of functional training applied to adults women on body composition, strength, flexibility and vertical jump performance MSc
145 609454 MUSTAFA ADAMCI Physical Education and Sports 2019 Evaluation and data envelopment analysis of efficiency between the years 2014-2018 sports federations Turkey MSc
144 609347 EMİNE DEPBOYLU Nursing 2019 Attitudes and nutrition-exercise behaviors of adolescents to improve their heart health MSc
143 609534 ŞEYMA İNAN Sports Coaching Education 2019 The investigation the effect of anthropometric, physiological and physical properties on competition performance of young swimmers MSc
142 609494 OĞUZHAN AVCI Physical Education and Sports 2019 Studying the relation between teaching motivation and teaching self-competence of physical education and sports teachers, and branch teachers MSc
141 609525 BAŞAK BAŞTOSUN Nursing 2019 Determination of beliefs and attitudes for public mental diseases and individuals with mental disease MSc
140 609518 DENİZ TOKAÇ Health Management 2019 The quality of service and the level of satisfaction perceived by the foreign patients who get service from health institutions MSc
139 609517 GAMZE ŞAHİN Physical Education and Sports 2019 Quality of service, customer satisfaction and loyalty in private sport businesses MSc
138 609527 YASİN YILDIZ Physical Education and Sports 2019 The investigation of socialization and happiness levels of college students who do sport and who do not PhD
137 609346 HİLAL ŞİŞMAN Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2019 Adherence to home exercise programs in physically disabled children and factors affecting this MSc
136 609516 NAZ GÖKTAŞ Physical Education and Sports 2019 The relationship between attitudes toward sports and school climate senses of the students who study at sports high school MSc
135 609490 ARİFE KORKUT Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2019 Turkish version of prolapse and incontinence knowledge questionnaire: Cultural adaptation, reliability and validity MSc
134 609499 ERÇEN BÜŞRA OYMAN Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2019 Reliability and validity of the Turkish version of Pain vigilance and Awareness questionnaire MSc
133 609493 PINAR YAŞAR Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2019 Psychometric properties of the Turkish version of l'insalata shoulder rating questionnaire MSc
132 609515 KÜBRA İNANÇ Physical Education and Sports 2019 Examination of The General Directorate of Sports budget for the last 5 years in the light of management accounting principles MSc
131 609513 BAŞAK ÇETİNKAYA Physical Education and Sports 2019 Examination of knowledge and opinion about doping of atletes who participated in super league games in Turkey university sports federation MSc
130 609512 EBRU TOZKAR Physical Education and Sports 2019 Examination of the relationships between athlete students ' perception of leadership power for physical education and sports teachers and motivation for success in sports and team harmony MSc
129 609511 DENİZ SİNEM ÇALIK Physical Education and Sports 2019 The effect of anxiety of death and risk taking levels of paragliding tandem pilots and individuals who had paragliding tandeflightsm for the first time on adrenaline, cortisol,insulin hormone levels and some physiological parameters MSc
128 609509 REYHAN DAĞ Physical Education and Sports 2019 Comparative analysis of relationships between the perception of quality of life and the sense of loneliness in adult women who play sports and do not MSc
127 602600 İLAYDA GÜZEL Health Management 2019 An evaluation of the selected health indicators in turkey and in the member states of the European Union with data envelopment analysis MSc
126 609505 SERKAN PAÇALI Physical Education and Sports 2019 Investigation of the relationship between work-life balance work satisfaction and organizational commitment levels of sport organization employees MSc
125 609506 GÜLLÜ YAZKAN Nursing 2019 Relationship of positive predictive value between orthorexia nervosa and obsessive compulsive symptoms of health personnel MSc
124 641514 TUĞBA ÖZDEMİR Nursing 2019 Evaluation of the relationship between university students' consumption consciousness and behavior MSc
123 609469 AHMET BİLİCİ Physical Education and Sports 2019 The relation between elite wrestlers life goals and future anxiety MSc
122 609503 HAVVA TARIMSEVEN Physical Education and Sports 2019 Investigation of physical activity level in pregnant women MSc
121 609489 NECLA TOĞUÇ AKKUŞ Nursing 2019 The status of knowledge and preparedness related to disaster of people in center of city MSc
120 609502 DERYA SAKALLI Physical Education and Sports 2019 Adaptation of the need-supportive teaching style scale for physical education to Turkish MSc
119 609500 EMİNE KORKMAZ Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2019 Turkish adaptation, validity and reliability of exercise adherence rating scale MSc
118 609501 ALPER BAHÇE Physical Education and Sports 2019 Investigation of the perspective of sports club managers to total quality management principles (Sample of Muğla province) MSc
117 539480 İBRAHİM DALBUDAK Physical Education and Sports 2019 Investigation of B2 and B3 visually handicapped individuals WHO are between ages 18-20 and doing sports or not in terms of emotional intelligence and level of aggression PhD
116 539300 KÜRŞAT HAZAR Physical Education and Sports 2019 Examination of bone mineral density levels of adult individuals, sedanters and athletes of the same age group in different occupational groups PhD
115 539076 UĞUR BERZA TANBUĞA Physical Education and Sports 2019 An investigation of five factor personality traits of high school students who do and do not play in school teams MSc
114 538817 MUHAMMED TENŞİ Health Management 2019 Evaluation of public-private partnership model in health sector in the axis of city hospitals: Field study in Izmir province MSc
113 538415 BİLAL OKUDAN Physical Education and Sports 2019 The role of intermediary of work life balance in relations between organizational climate and organizational trust perceptions and organizational commitment attitudes of employees of central and provincial organization in General Directorate of Sports PhD
112 538608 NURAY GİDER Nursing 2019 Determination of the views of the nurses working in the secondary health care on spiritual care MSc
111 538392 ÖMÜR FATİH KARAKULLUKÇU Physical Education and Sports 2019 The mediating role of career satisfaction in relations self-efficacy self-leadership beliefs and managerial competence levels of sports managers PhD
110 538593 UMURAY TAŞKÖPRÜLÜ Physical Education and Sports 2019 Investigation of the quality of special physical education and sports facilities: the provincial provision of Muğla MSc
109 538596 İSA AYDEMİR Physical Education and Sports 2019 Investigation of the relationship between physical activity levels and academic achievements of high school students learning in different areas MSc
108 545968 KEVSER GÜRSAN Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2019 Turkish version of keele assessment of participation: Validity and reliability study MSc
Order ID Reg.# Author Department Year Title (Based on the records which students' have entered in The National Thesis Center) Type
107 538580 SİNEM ULUÇ Physical Education and Sports 2018 Investigation of the situation of singapist conditions of secondary sports and sports students MSc
106 538556 AYLA AYKAÇ KOÇAK Nursing 2018 Health beliefs for teachers to protect against colorectal cancer MSc
105 537474 DİLARA ÖZEN Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2018 Effect of kinesiotaping on wrist kinematics and functional performance MSc
104 538009 MEHMET ALTUN Physical Education and Sports 2018 Evaluation of the expectations of individuals going to fitness centers MSc
103 538554 NEDİM BURAK YILDIRIM Physical Education and Sports 2018 Investigation of the fair play behaviors of individuals who attend courses in various branches in youth and sports centers regarding various variables MSc
102 538385 GÜNSELİ DUMAN Physical Education and Sports 2018 The investigation of leisure time physical activity constraints according to A and B personality types MSc
101 537467 BEKİR GÜÇLÜ Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2018 Investigation of hand functions in individuals with cannabis and derivations USE disorders MSc
100 520727 ÇAĞLA ŞENGÖR DANACIOĞLU Physical Education and Sports 2018 The effect of spatial visualization and spatial anxiety investigation derived from the orienteering training on 11-13 age students MSc
99 537330 YUSUF ERKEN Physical Education and Sports 2018 The Effect of Eight Weeks Functional Training on Some Physical Parameters MSc
98 520432 MERVE SEVİK Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2018 Comparing the effects of short foot and towel curl exercises on foot pedobarographic parameters and balance MSc
97 513891 MELTEM DEMİR Physical Education and Sports 2018 Gender discrimination at the diving industry and description of the gender prejudice MSc
96 520530 GÜLİSTAN UYAR Nursing 2018 Investigation of caring nurse patient interaction level of nurses MSc
95 520532 ALİM KUŞGÖZ Physical Education and Sports 2018 Investigation of mobbing behaviors for volleyball referees MSc
94 520524 AYTUĞ TÜRK Nursing 2018 Internalized stigma, quality of life and self esteem in patients with bipolar disorder MSc
93 537508 HİLAL ÖDEMİŞ Nursing 2018 Caregiver Burden and Factors Affecting Care Burden of Caregivers of Patience with Stroke MSc
92 537509 ÜLKÜ MANDAŞ Nursing 2018 Determination of LOW back pain and affecting factors in nurses MSc
91 537487 ŞEHNAZ KÖSEOĞLU Nursing 2018 Determination of satisfaction related to nursing care of general surgery service patients after surgery MSc
90 537475 SEMİHA YENİŞEHİR Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2018 Reliability and validity of five times sit to stand test in pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain MSc
89 505656 OLCAY ENGİN ELBİR Physical Education and Sports 2018 Investigation of the effect of economic structure of football and Turkey in Europe industry branding on professional football clubs MSc
88 537479 FERHAT YILMAZ Physical Education and Sports 2018 Analysis of glass ceiling syndrome in working women in public and private sports institutions MSc
87 502026 ÖMER AKSOY Sports Coaching Education 2018 Investigating the effect of eight week soccer training on physical fitness components and fine motor skills in 11-13 age group children MSc
86 506109 ÖMER GÜNAY Physical Education and Sports 2018 The effects of strength training on motor abilities of older people MSc
85 506107 MİRAÇ ŞEN Sports Coaching Education 2018 The investigation of metabolic responses and movement patterns to small-sided soccer plays with coach feedback and without in different soccer field sizes MSc
84 502340 OKAY CAN Physical Education and Sports 2018 The adaptation of risk taking in rock climbing scale to Turkish MSc
83 503053 ESMA TEKE Physical Education and Sports 2018 An investigation of the effect of athletes' personality traits on fair-play behaviors MSc
82 503048 SEVİLAY HEBCAN ÖRS Nursing 2018 Adult women's cardiovascular risk factors, knowledge levels and health promotion behaviors MSc
81 502662 ADEM KARATUT Physical Education and Sports 2018 Evaluating the secondary school students' visual metaphors related to physical education and sports classes MSc
80 487502 ZEKERİYA KANDIRMIŞ Physical Education and Sports 2018 In tourism the quality perception for sports services conducted, examining the relationships between customer satisfaction and purchase intent: Muğla Province example MSc
79 487503 OKAN SARI Physical Education and Sports 2018 Investigation of some bio-motoric characteristics and reaction time of Turkish hockey players (male-women) MSc
78 487501 TOLGA ALTUĞ Physical Education and Sports 2018 Evaluation of relationship between dominant hand and school success of sedentary and athletes specialized in different branches in some high schools at Antalya District MSc
Order ID Reg.# Author Department Year Title (Based on the records which students' have entered in The National Thesis Center) Type
77 502895 ALPARSLAN GÜLTÜRK Physical Education and Sports 2017 The effect of 12- week movement education program (eurofit test movement education) for children (male) with autism in different ages on fundamental motor skills MSc
76 487500 NADİRE ŞAHİN Nursing 2017 Control of diabetes symptoms in type II diabetics MSc
75 487499 ZELİHA ÖZKARACA Hospital and Medical Institutions Management 2017 The effect of mobbing levels of health workers on job satisfaction; Muğla Province example MSc
74 487498 MESUT CAN Hospital and Medical Institutions Management 2017 An analysis of assisted- reproductive technique (art) applications in an training and research hospital with using activity based costing method MSc
73 487497 KURTULUŞ ASLAN Sports Coaching Education 2017 The effect of 12- week movement education program (eurofit test movement education) for children (male) with autism in different ages on fundamental motor skills MSc
72 487496 OKŞAN UYAR GAZEZOĞLU Histology and Embryology 2017 Histochemical and immunohistochemical investigation of enteroendocrine cells in the human stomach MSc
71 487494 ÖZGE İPEK Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2017 Turkish version of international hip outcome tool (ihot-12): Validity and reliability study MSc
70 487495 ZEYNEP SAĞBAŞ Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2017 The effects of disability of cerebral palsy children on general health of their mothers MSc
69 487492 ERDİ TOKUL Physical Education and Sports 2017 Investigation of goals scored and shots in 2016 European football championship in terms of tactical and technical criteria MSc
68 487493 TOLGA KARAKAŞ Physical Education and Sports 2017 Investigation on the relationship between the optimal performance sensory perceived and the continuous healthy self-reliable and healthy identification algorithms at athletes MSc
67 487491 EMRAH ÖZDEMİR Physical Education and Sports 2017 Comparison of sports and sedanters 'psychological healthy, healthy quality, healthy and control heels levels MSc
66 590615 FATMANA İZAN Nursing 2017 The Effect of Music Therapy on Pain, Anxiety and Vital Findings in Patients with Mechanical Ventilator Support MSc
65 464237 ALİ ÇEVİK Physical Education and Sports 2017 Semiological analysis of sports related advertisements featured on tv or online MSc
64 462879 FURKAN BİLEK Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2017 Acute effects of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation and high voltage pulsed stimulation on subacromial pain and shoulder movements MSc
63 464236 MELTEM KOÇ Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2017 Gender discrimination at the diving industry and description of the gender prejudice MSc
62 464235 SEDA KARACA Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2017 Turkish version of body awareness questionnaire: validity and reliability study MSc
61 464234 FATİH ÖZDEN Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2017 A cross-cultural adaptation, reliability and validity of the Turkish version of the new knee society knee scoring system MSc
60 464233 ŞENOL YANAR Physical Education and Sports 2017 This research has been conducted to determine the effect of fast break on the result of the fixture in basketball and the intervention role of defensive rebound and ball stealing on this effect PhD
59 464232 ÜMMÜGÜLSÜM ÇAKMAK Physical Education and Sports 2017 Analysis of the effect of organizational culture on the job satisfaction of employees in public and private sports organizations MSc
58 464231 ALİN MERDİNOĞLU Physical Education and Sports 2017 Investigation of values ​​of body perception and self-confidence in adult female and male adults who are aerobic exercise MSc
57 460112 MERVE BOZ Physical Education and Sports 2017 The evaluation of the last 10 years budget revenues - expenditure application results tables of The General Directorate of Sports by rate analysis method MSc
56 460113 SERAP GÖKBEL SÖNMEZ Nursing 2017 Determination of health care needs of juvenile offenders MSc
55 460111 NİL NİHAL DUMAN Physical Education and Sports 2017 The investigation of the glass ceiling syndrome the tasking female personnel who have exposed in the Ministry of Youth and Sports General Directorate MSc
54 460110 SERDAR KOCA Physical Education and Sports 2017 The investigation of relationship among stress factors, job satisfaction and job performance of football referees MSc
Order ID Reg.# Author Department Year Title (Based on the records which students' have entered in The National Thesis Center) Type
53 460107 OKAN ÇENGEL Physical Education and Sports 2016 Investigation of the relationship between individual innovation and shopping behavior of the consumers MSc
52 460109 HAZAL KARAKUŞ Physical Education and Sports 2016 Was aimed that to investigate of quality of life and understanding of exercise benefits in gestational and normal pregnant women MSc
51 460105 YUNUS EMRE ÇİNGÖZ Physical Education and Sports 2016 Examination of relation between hand preference and success of karate and taekwondo athletes according to gender (female-male) MSc
50 460108 KORAY ŞAHİN Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2016 Validity and reliability study of the Turkish version of waisman activities of daily living scale MSc
49 460106 MERYEM DEMİRTAŞ Hospital and Medical Institutions Management 2016 Financial analysis of a Health Ministry Hospital after and before affiliation MSc
48 460104 NAZİFE ERDAL Nursing 2016 The knowledge level of the nurses about psychiatric consultation –liaison MSc
47 460101 MEHBARE İFTAR Nursing 2016 Attitudes towards dating violence and behavior of university students MSc
46 460102 REZZAN ÇAKMAK Nursing 2016 Cancer screening behaviors in health care workers MSc
45 460103 GÜLŞEN MERTYÜZ Physical Education and Sports 2016 Investigation of physical activity level and nutritional habits among cancer survivors MSc
44 460099 MUHAMMED ABDULLAH TUNCAY Physical Education and Sports 2016 Professional 3. play the hand grip strength of different strength training methods applied to two football league team is made and to investigate the impact on MAXVO2 MSc
43 460100 DENİZ ÜLKER Nursing 2016 Personal preferences of older people's family caregivers regarding end of life decisions MSc
42 460097 MUSA ÇANKAYA Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2016 Validity and Reliability Study of the Turkish Version of Lower Extremity Functional Scale MSc
41 460098 YİĞİT YURTAYDIN Physical Education and Sports 2016 Examine the effects of 8-week hatha yoga exercises on some physiological and motor parameters in sedentary women MSc
40 460096 ABDURRAHMAN BOYACI Physical Education and Sports 2016 Analyze the effect of core training on some motor properties in the 12-14 age group of football players MSc
39 460094 BEKİR SIDDIK YILDIZ Physical Education and Sports 2016 The effect of mobbing behaviors on burnout of amateur football players MSc
38 460093 GÖKÇE OKTAY Physical Education and Sports 2016 The investigation of the 8 weeks zumba and step-aerobics exercises on health related physical fitness parameters in women MSc
37 460095 ÜLKÜM ERDOĞAN YÜCE Physical Education and Sports 2016 Effect of sport on academic procrastination of high school students in Muğla MSc
36 419989 CUMA BUDAK Physical Education and Sports 2016 The investigation of internet addiction, obesity prevalence, physical activity participation levels of secondary school children MSc
35 419990 ERHAN IŞIKDEMİR Physical Education and Sports 2016 Technically and tactically analysis of Fifa-2014 World Cup (Brazil) via visual analysis method MSc
34 427234 VOLKAN CİNDEMİR Physical Education and Sports 2016 Effects of speed and agility trainings on some physical and motoric features in Muğla region football referees MSc
33 419991 EMİNE KAYMAZ Physical Education and Sports 2016 The comparison of obesity, physical activity levels and nutrition habits of private and public secondary school children MSc
Order ID Reg.# Author Department Year Title (Based on the records which students' have entered in The National Thesis Center) Type
32 419988 TUGAY KIRCAN Physical Education and Sports 2015 Investigation of social adjustment of students in youth camps organized by Ministry of Youth and Sports MSc
31 419986 ENDER ALİ ULUÇ Physical Education and Sports 2015 The research of physical education and sports teacher's opinions working in Southeast Anatolia Region an folk dances MSc
30 419987 YASİN YILDIZ Physical Education and Sports 2015 The investigation of socialization and happiness levels of college students who do sport and who do not MSc
29 419984 YAVUZ ÖNTÜRK Physical Education and Sports 2015 Investigation of physical education and sports academic staff working in the mobbing of exposure MSc
28 419983 ENDER ŞENEL Physical Education and Sports 2015 The evaluation of social support perception, general self-efficacy beliefs and emotional intelligence levels of students in school of physical education and sport MSc
27 419985 MUSTAFA DEMİRCAN Physical Education and Sports 2015 The importance of Mount Erciyes in terms of requirement of tourism and resort for the people in Kayseri MSc
26 419981 ALİ YİĞİT KOCABIÇAK Physical Education and Sports 2015 Investigation of applicability of the sports life coaching programme on mentally disabled individuals MSc
25 419979 ERKAN BİNGÖL Physical Education and Sports 2015 Evaluating the level of exercise dependence and psychological resilience of athletes from different branches MSc
24 419982 HALİL İBRAHİM CEYLAN Physical Education and Sports 2015 Examining the effects of proprioceptive training on coincidence anticipation timing, reaction times and hand-eye coordination MSc
23 419980 MEVLÜT YILDIZ Physical Education and Sports 2015 The examination of bodily/kinesthetic intelligence, emotional intelligence and social support perception levels of students in physical education and sport teacher department MSc
22 419978 TÜRKAN KARIK Physical Education and Sports 2015 The effect of mobbing behaviors on burnout of female basketball players MSc
21 460092 BÜŞRA ÇETİN Physical Education and Sports 2015 The comparison of the perception of psychological birth order in athletes in terms of different sport branches MSc
20 419977 DUYGU YARALI Physical Education and Sports 2015 Analysis of languages and contents of sport movies MSc
Order ID Reg.# Author Department Year Title (Based on the records which students' have entered in The National Thesis Center) Type
19 369855 MUTLU ILDIZ Physical Education and Sports 2014 The study is to examine eating habits, physical self-perception, body composition and physical activity levels of high school students ages 14-18 MSc
18 369853 HASAN GEZER Physical Education and Sports 2014 To research on the life satisfaction and burnout levels of the Law Enforcement Agencies' personnel who do exercises and who do not MSc
17 369854 ÖZLEM AĞILÖNÜ Physical Education and Sports 2014 Imagining athletes who play different sports branches of investigation and problem solving skills MSc
16 369851 GÜLTEKİN DAĞCI Physical Education and Sports 2014 Examining the physical activity levels and body compositions of high school students aged 14-18 MSc
15 369850 İSMET ÇOBAN Physical Education and Sports 2014 The effect of strength exercises on some sport motoric tests of football players between aged 13-15 years MSc
14 369852 YASEMİN FUNDA AYHAN Physical Education and Sports 2014 The examining of the physical activity practices during childhood and adolescence along with physical activity level and body composition during adulthood MSc
13 369849 AHMET YAVUZ KARAFİL Physical Education and Sports 2014 The Examination of critical thinking levels of the physical education and sports high school students in terms of various demographic characters MSc
12 369847 MEHDİ DUYAN Physical Education and Sports 2014 A comparison of sportsmen according to types of sports in terms of attitudes of psychological help seeking, psychological needs and psychological adaptations MSc
11 369848 MELİH ÇALIŞIR Physical Education and Sports 2014 Investigation of the relationship between psychological health and religiousness in athletes MSc
10 369841 SERDAR BAYRAKDAROĞLU Physical Education and Sports 2014 Comparison of psychological resilience and self-compassion levels of taekwondoers with team athletes MSc
9 369842 ALPER KARTAL Physical Education and Sports 2014 To investigate of some motor functions and Physiologic parameters of amateur soccer players according to their playing positions and leagues MSc
8 369843 BAKİ KÜLAHCI Physical Education and Sports 2014 Effectiveness of physical education and athletic activities in the socialization of high schoolers MSc
7 369845 GANİ KIRATLI Physical Education and Sports 2014 The impacts of 8 week plyometric exercise on some physical fitness parameters of women handball players aged 12-16 years old MSc
6 369846 MAHİR ŞEKER Physical Education and Sports 2014 Wrestling wrestlers education centers study of depression, anxiety and stress levels MSc
5 369844 MEHMET FATİH CAN Physical Education and Sports 2014 Research of measurement evaluation competence perceptions of physical education teachers (Example of the province of Muğla) MSc
4 369840 SEVİNÇ SERİN Physical Education and Sports 2014 Investigation factors that effect shooting performance in the menstrual period of female archery athletes MSc
Order ID Reg.# Author Department Year Title (Based on the records which students' have entered in The National Thesis Center) Type
3 340900 HİLAL KILINÇ Physical Education and Sports 2013 The effects of swissball and elastic band exercises on the quality of life and some physical parameters of elderly people aged over 65 years old MSc
2 340899 MÜJDE ATICI Physical Education and Sports 2013 Confirm the effects of core training which was performed 8 weeks regularly, on physiological and motor parameters of aged 18-24 women MSc
1 340898 HATİCE DİLHUN SUKAN Physical Education and Sports 2013 The effect of physical activity on socialization of children with intellectual disabilities MSc